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$('#udps-animation2').find('.arm4').stop(true, true).delay(550).show().animate({ left:100, top:89 },250); $('#udps-animation2').find('.arm3').stop(true, true).delay(700).show().animate({ left:108, top:27 },250); $('#udps-animation2').find('.arm5').stop(true, true).delay(950).show().animate({ left:42, top:93 },250,function(){ //$('#udps-animation2').find('.arm-center').css({'border-radius':0,'background-color':'transparent'}); }); }); $elem.addclass('udpsdone'); } else if( $elem.parent('li').hasclass('udps-animate') && $elem.siblings('div').attr('id') == 'udps-animation1' ){ //rings var acontainer = $('#udps-animation1'); acontainer.html(''); acontainer.find('.ring1').stop(true, true).delay(400).animate({ left:48//left:21 },700/*,'easeoutback'*/); acontainer.find('.ring2').stop(true, true).delay(400).animate({ right:49//right:22 },700/*,'easeoutback'*/); $elem.addclass('udpsdone'); } else{ $elem.stop(true, true).delay(300).animate({opacity: 1}, 1100, function( ) { $elem.addclass('udpsdone'); 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